City Passes Size Cap To Keep Big Boxes Out.
Sprawl-Busters reported on August 6, 2005 that Wal-Mart’s lawyers had blown a court appeal by sending their legal forms first-class mail, instead of certified mail.
Sprawl-Busters reported on August 6, 2005 that Wal-Mart’s lawyers had blown a court appeal by sending their legal forms first-class mail, instead of certified mail.
Wal-Mart must have gone “postal” this week, when its attorneys failed to properly notify defendents in a lawsuit because they used the wrong postage on
What part of “No” don’t they understand? Sprawl-Busters has been following events in Central Point, Oregon, where the city voted to reject a 207,000 s.f.
Newsflash reported recently Wal-Mart’s defeat in Cenetral Point, Oregon, and the liklihood that Wal-Mart would not quietly pack up and leave. The retailer, as expected,
The community of Central Point, Oregon made its central point against Wal-Mart very clear on April 15th, when the City Council, after five hours of
The strategies written here were produced by Sprawl-Busters in 2006 at the request of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), mainly for citizen groups that were fighting Walmart. But the tips for fighting unwanted development apply to any project—whether its fighting Dollar General, an Amazon warehouse, or a Home Depot.
Big projects, or small, these BATTLEMART TIPS will help you better understand what you are up against, and how to win your battle.