Newsflash reported recently Wal-Mart’s defeat in Cenetral Point, Oregon, and the liklihood that Wal-Mart would not quietly pack up and leave. The retailer, as expected, is appealing the decision. That leaves citizen’s in a rush to raise money for their legal defense. Here’s a front line report of the aftermath of the anti-Wal-Mart vote: “Wal-Mart is appealing Central Point City Council’s decision to deny an mapplication to build a 203,000 sq ft supercenter in Central Point, Oregon. The case will now go before Oregon’s Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). A local citizens group, Central Point First, has been battling the
retailer with help from legal consultants and traffic experts since June 2003, but Oregon law requires citizens groups to be represented by an attorney during a LUBA appeal. Central Point First has contacted a experienced attorney who has successfully represented other groups against Wal-Mart, but needs to raise $10,000 to cover legal fees and other expenses involved in fighting the retail giant. Without the necessary funds, individuals will be forced to represent themselves against Wal-Mart’s gargantuan legal team. Becca Croft, chairwoman of Central Point First reports, “We have contacted many small local businesses for help, but so many are afraid to get involved for fear of becoming targets.” Some experts say that small businesses will become targets anyway if the project is allowed to proceed, but Croft respects the feelings of business owners, many of whom stand to lose everything if Wal-Mart comes to town. “We are now looking to individuals who are willing and able to contribute to the effort,” Croft said. “We have a very strong legal case, but we can’t make that case if we aren’t allowed to participate in the process.” Central Point First has only a few days to raise the money and needs help getting the word to interested and able donors.”
Donations of all sizes can be made payable to “Central Point First” and mailed (anonymously, if one wishes) to the following address: Central Point First c/o US BANK 139 E Pine St Central Point, OR 97502