The City Council in El Cajon, California may be looking at a lawsuit from its own citizens in the wake of their decision to approve a Home Depot. Their decision may lead to a courtroom, not a ribbon-cutting. Here’s a report from our correspondents in El Cajon: “With some residents outraged over the City Council’s approval this week of a
new Home Depot, there’s now talk the retail giant is interested in a yet another 9.8-acre parcel on Fletcher Parkway. Jim Griffin, the city’s community development director, confirmed that Home Depot representatives have talked with him about locating a store on the lot, where Kmart now sits. But John Ziebarth, a consultant for the home
improvement retailer, would only say, “I can’t comment on that one.” Ziebarth said Home Depot has always maintained it needs two stores in El Cajon. Home Depot currently operates a store on Arnele Avenue, but Ziebarth said the converted furniture store doesn’t conform to its typical store design — which suggests that it’s only a matter of time before Home Depot tries to relocate out of that store. This week, the El Cajon city council unanimously approved Home Depot’s proposal for a store just east of the city limits. A similar plan was rejected by the council six years ago. It would be the second El Cajon-area store. The plan angered nearby residents, who say it doesn’t belong in their mostly residential neighborhood. El Cajon residents say they are willing to appeal the city council decision in court.
For local contacts in El Cajon fighting Home Depot, contact [email protected]