Residents in Albuquerque, New Mexico have been battling with Wal-Marts in various locations in the city for many years. They report that they are low on money, and in need of legal help. Here is the latest development from the group Albuquerque First, in their current fight with Wal-Mart, and Bohannon, its developer: “We lost another bid to stop the development. We are appealing the latest decision, but it is getting tough. The lawyers for Wal-Mart and the developers are now throwing up walls and legal arguments left and right that are in no way involved with the merits of this case. However, they must be addressed. Our finances and resources are depleted and in need of some SERIOUS HELP. We are sending an SOS to any one out there that if you could please assist us in any way. PLEASE HELP! We are in need of financial and legal assistance. We have prevented this development from being constructed for 2 years now but we are running out of TIME WE NEED HELP! We are battered and bruised, but still carry on the fight. If any one or group has the ability to help us please help us. Now is the time to stand up and take our City’s and towns back from Big box developers and return them back to the People. Please don’t let another Neighborhood fall to them. There are 4 other Wal-Mart’s within a 3 mile radius of this one. 3 of them are super centers and all are open 24/7. There is another building on the site that has to be moved before they can build the supercenter. Every step we have taken the developers and their lawyers, the city and the mayor have manipulated the law as well as city ordinances to achieve their aims. That is why we need a lawyer from outside of Albuquerque to help us. There is less chance that they would be influenced by local politics.”
There are actually six Wal-Mart supercenters now in Albuquerque, plus a discount store and a Neighborhood Market. The city clearly has no market need for additional Wal-Marts of any size or type. For local contacts in the Albuquerque area, contact [email protected]. For earlier stories on Newsflash, search by “Albuquerque.”