The following report came in this week to Sprawl-Busters from residents in Denver, North Carolina, who have formed the group Denver First: “Wal-Mart filed for a Conditional Use/Rezoning permit with the Lincoln County Planning Commission in May of 2005. The development is to be 35.73 acres (of which 7 acres is now zoned residential). It is to include a 200,000 s.f. Supercenter with approximately 1,000 parking spaces, 4 out-parcels and one leased lot. This is at the intersection of 2-twolane roads, with a convenience store/gas station on one corner, and a Food Lion grocery shopping center and a Harris Teeter grocery shopping center on the other. Traffic is already very congested in this area. Denver is not an incorporated town, so we are at the mercy of the planning board and county commissioners of Lincoln County. A public hearing was held with most opposed, some for. Wal-Mart asked for their plan to be tabled until August 1st, so they could meet with concerned residents. That meeting was held on July 16, and there are still many questions unanswered. Many of the questions were traffic related, but neither DOT or Wal-Mart would answer specific questions. There were 8 reps. there for Wal-Mart, but only a couple of them spoke.”
For local contacts with Denver First, email [email protected]