Sprawl-busters in the Utah community of Ephraim have some bone-chilling news. Rumors of Wal-Mart interest in coming to Ephraim have been rattling around for many weeks. But now it’s confirmed. Not only does the Arkansas giant want to locate in Ephraim, but they’re dead set on it. Wal-Mart is reportedly eyeing a site next to a cemetery at the entrance into the city. The land has not yet been annexed by the city, so opponents hope to deal the project a death blow during the zoning process. Wal-Mart plans to build a supercenter next to the graveyard in a county with a total population of roughly 20,000 — not counting the buried. The annexation issue is expected to come up before the City Council within a few weeks. The Wal-Mart will also help to create a cemetery of closed businesses in town, greatly stimulating the undertakers business.
Utah Sprawl-Busters: for further information about Wal-Mart’s cemetery project, contact Citizens for Responsible Communities at 435-283-6367.