When in Argentina, do as the Argentinians. According to an Argentine newspaper, Wal-Mart stores in this South American nation were slapped with a fine by the government for charging consumers higher prices than what’s marked on the product. A Chilean and a French megastore chain were also fined for misleading consumers. The government conducted as many as 60 sting operations in superstores around Buenos Aires since last January. The news reports suggest that fines levied ranged from $8,000 to $15,000 — or chump change to Wal-Mart. The Argentine Trade Secretariat said the fines were for “unfair marketing practices and deceiving the consumer.” The government warned that some fines could reach as high as $500,000.
Either check your prices carefully at the register, to make sure you are being sold the item at the same unit price on the product as it sits on the shelf. Better yet, don’t shop at these stores in the first place.