All it takes is the smell of a big box store to get local citizens upset. Here’s a brief report filed from Paramus, New Jersey: “Vornado Realty has submitted plans to the Paramus Planning Board for the construction of two massive (135,000 & 167,000 sq.ft) “Big Box” stores to be located
in Paramus, which will be only 58 feet from the residents of Locust Drive in
Maywood, New Jersey. Vornando is seeking exemption from Paramus zoning requirements. Local residents have banded together and will be attending the planning board meetings beginning on Aug. 11, 2005 to voice their concerns.”
Readers of this Newsflash will recall that it was Vornado Realty that dumped Wal-Mart from their plans earlier this year when residents in New York City started a ruckus over big box plans. Vornado caved in to the public outcry, and left Wal-Mart cut out of the picture. For related story, search Newsflash by “Vornado.” The lesson should be very clear to people in Paramus: you can bowl over Wal-Mart if you start making a lot of noise. For a local contact in Paramuc, contact [email protected]