It looks like city officials in League City, Texas are in league with Wal-Mart. But residents in the city are battling to keep the giant retailer out of their community. Here’s the 6 point petition they are circulating in their hometown, and on the internet: “By the Residents of League City, Texas and friends of Victory Lakes Master Planned Community, City ordinances were put in place to protect the citizens, the land, public and personal property, and quality of all life. We oppose the lack of responsiveness by the City to issues presented during Citizens’ Requests for Hearings from January through April. 2004 and petition the following: We request the City produce documentation substantiating that the city’s rules, regulations and ordinances have not been ignored or violated in the following areas: 1) 200,000+ square foot super-center type buildings do not fit into the Planned unit development (PUD) definition as described in the master plan of Victory Lakes. 2) The City of League City granted a lower landscaping variance for the Wal-Mart development than the Commercial Development Landscaping ordinance allows. 3) A public hearing was denied to the citizens when rezoning and/or a significant change was made to the Victory Ranch Master Plan. 4) The Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water Act Permit to discharge storm water into the existing Victory Lakes Ponds and city construction permits were not obtained prior to the May, 2004 excavation of the new Victory Lakes Detention Ponds. 5) Existing flooding and drainage problems developers are causing to the areas in and surrounding the Victory Lakes Subdivision have not been addressed appropriately. 6) The City failed to do what is right for Victory Lakes Homeowners by allowing a developer to grant an easement across a homeowner’s common area for construction of a private access road into a shopping center. By granting Wal-Mart access from Walker Street, the city will compound an existing traffic issue and negatively impact the quality of life for all Victory Lakes homeowners. We respectfully ask the City to immediately cease all current construction activity and refrain from issuing permits applied for in the Victory Lakes Planned Unit Development, and the League City Marketplace / Wal-Mart Development until the City has researched all the issues, violations, and applicable law and has responded appropriately. An open-records response letter addressed to the City residents and Victory Lakes Homeowners is requested. Petition Rules: Each person over the age of 18 signing the petition must reside in League City. Signed, The following citizens for responsible development…”
To sign onto the League City, Texas petition against Wal-Mart, go to