Residents have back-to-back Wal-Mart proposals to fight in the city of Westminster, Colorado. The Denver Post reports that citizens in the community of Westminster are battling two Wal-Mart supercenters that are only 10 miles apart. Last week residents near one location on West 72nd. Avenue sat through a presentation by the developer, but anti-Wal-Mart forces were busy signing up opponents to the project. The same thing happened at a similar dog-and-pony show for the project proposed along 136th avenue. Residents complaind about the usual issues: traffic, noise and lighting that comes with anything as large as a supercenter. Wal-Mart shrugged off the hostility, telling the Post, “We’re just trying to get the facts on the table. … That’s why there’s a process, to keep the project from being decided by a vocal minority.” But so far, it looks like residents already know the facts about Wal-Mart, and don’t want anything to do with them. The Westminster City Council will be the final decision-maker in both cases.
For earlier stories about communities in Colorado that fought Wal-Mart and won, search Newsflash by “Colorado.”