Shortly before 1 AM on December 6, 1996, Francis Mack, 44, of Allentown was shopping at the Wal-Mart store in Whitehall, PA. Big mistake. Mack was pushing his cart down “action alley”, as the main aisle in a Wal-Mart store is called, when he slipped and fell on some debris. Mack sustained serious back injuries from his fall. Nearly two years later, a federal judge gave Mack a $750,000 judgement against Wal-Mart, after a jury found the company negligent in the accident. Macks lawyers were Robert Bauer and Richard Sokorai.
There’s a lot of “action” in “action alley”, and some of it can be quite dangerous, as you will read in a number of the Newsflash entries below. Sprawl-Busters are encouraged to forward examples of similar cases to: Al Norman, Sprawl-Busters, 21 Grinnell St, Greenfield, MA 01301. Any similar lawsuits will be profiled here based on reports from the field.